Travel Advice

When travelling abroad you may need additional vaccinations to those you already have.

There appears below two websites, one of which you need to access as our Practice Nurse would require a list of necessary vaccinations for the places you are to visit when you attend for an appointment to see her.  Most vaccinations are available at the Surgery, for some there is a charge.

All holiday vaccinations need to be completed at least two weeks before travelling and the earlier this is arranged the better the cover provided to you.

You must bring a printout of the vaccinations needed along with you for the appointment when you see the practice nurse.

There is also a telephone number for the Masta website – 0906 5501402 if you do not have internet access and a printout will be sent to you following you answering a series of questions about your journey. You must bring a printout of the vaccinations needed along with you for the appointment when you see the practice nurse.